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Sticky rice with mango

Hello hello,

I decided to make a lil blogpost about one of my favourite desserts which is soso easy to make yet so jummy. It's vegan so basically everyone can make/eat it yay :-)

Let me introduce you; STICKY RICE WITH MANGO

(what a surprise, totally not mentioned in the title l o l)

Anyways I once saw a lil video on facebook of "Tastemade" (you can find their videos everywhere) and that's where I got the recipe from. It's really simple and quick to make plus MANGOoo, who doesn't love a good juicy, ripe mango?! Probably one of my favourite fruit ever.

So what you'll need:

One ripe mango - (sticky) rice - coconut milk - sugar (which I forgot to show in the picture)

sesam seeds - coconut flakes (both optional)

You firstly need to let boil some water to cook your rice in. (take a look at the cooking instructions on the package of the rice).

I used slightly sticky rice (left photo) but since you can't find it everywhere (though here in belgium), Thai jasmin rice is another good option just like every other kind of rice tbh.

Meanwhile you're cooking the rice, combine the coconut milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar (may be less or more, whatever your tastebuds like) in a pot and bring it to a slight boil. I used a can of 400ml and two lil packets of rice (each 125grams) which is a big portion so I recommend using a smaller can of coconut milk if you use less rice.

Anyways, place the cooked rice in a bowl and pour half or 3/4 of the coconut milk into the rice, stir a bit and let it cool and soak for about 10 mins.

Only two things left to do while letting the rice cool: the mango and roasting the sesam seeds.

Just peel mango, slice around the pit and slice how you prefer it.

These are the garnishes I use; I mostly roast the sesam seeds while peeling the mango but it's quite tricky since sesam seeds burn very quickly so roast them until they're golden brown NOT black ;-) (You don't have to roast them if you dont want to but it gives so much more taste when they're roasted, literally so good, this dish NEEDS roasted sesam seeds) so just sprinkle these on top AFTER pouring the remaining coconut milk on the rice. I also sprinkle some coconut powder or flakes on top of the rice.

And that's basically it, just put everything on a plate and it's ready to eat,

Enjoy! :-)

(not my photo because I'm not good at making it look appetizing BUT it looks basically the same just their garnish skills are better hah.)

I really hope you'll ever have the time to try this out because this dish will change your life. Ok not really but seriously, it's so good.



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